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Not-A-Cat Cat: The World's First Cat that Isn't

Pre-Order the Not-a-Cat Cat on Kickstarter!

The Not-a-Cat Cat is the world's first cat that's not-a-cat. Pretty simple really. Is it a cat? Yeah, of course it is. It's just not-a-cat.

We have been working with a manufacturer here in the United States to make our first run of Not-a-Cat Cats. We expect delivery of the first not-a-litter litter by July. You can be the first in line for this exclusive release by becoming a backer to our Kickstarter campaign!

Not-a-Cat Cat? What?

Okay, let's start at the beginning. A cat is a cat. The Not-a-Cat Cat is a cat that isn't. Some of its famous attributes include: luxurious long fur, cuddletude, sticktutiveness, synergy, moxie, and an extra ear. Are you a Not-a-Cat Cat person yet?

The Not-a-Cat Cat


The Not-a-Cat Cat is stuffed with foam beads instead of traditional poly-fill stuffing for a truly ambiguous shape. The "stuffed" also features luxuriously long fur that leaves you questioning its mortal existence.