Our most popular items... Feel the peer pressure!
A surprise selection of curated Vat19 goodies.
Three pounds and 4,000 calories of gummy goodness.
Two pounds of sour and sweet gummy goodness!
Plush weaponry for epic and safe pillow fights!
A weirdly cute light-up Japanese creature.
Tiny neo-magnets for building, fidgeting, stress relief.
Five-pound gummy bear is equal to 1400 regular-sized bears.
Ninety times larger than a regular gummy cola bottle.
Sweet gummy candy with a juicy center!
The world's most sour soda.
65 times larger than a normal lollipop!
Create a slushy from your favorite drinks in less than a minute.
The amazing tablet that turns sour foods sweet.
Thinking putty with mind-blowing magnetic properties.
Wild sodas that taste like popular foods.
A stress toy that looks like an Oreo cookie!
Fun Fact #183:
Angry Putty is the only putty that gets stronger the more you stretch it!
Enormous and delicious aquatic predator made of gummy.
Rick-roll your friends with this t-shirt!
Candy fruits with edible skins!
The world's most sour taffy!
A colossally annoying poultry prank toy.
A little gummy bear with insanely explosive heat.
All-natural flavor straws encourage milk drinking.
Small but intense bar of super spicy chocolate.
Addictive bite-sized morsels of awesomeness.
Ugly-but-cute stuffed micro-animal!
A tray of colorful candy shaped like sushi.
Desktop goat statue that makes a screaming noise.
A modern take on the classic kaleidoscope!
Transparent putty turns from clear to cloudy and back.
Sour. Sweet. Squish.
Two feet of increasing spiciness!
Purple hot cocoa from a spell-bounding cauldron!
Make your high fives even awesomer.
Freeze-dried ready-to-eat space desserts!
A dazzling, color-changing thinking putty.
Results 1 -
of 36