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Vault-21 is a patent-pending DVD technology to which we hold an exclusive license.

Verification of the completion of a task
We have invented a way in which a mass-duplicated DVD can generate a unique code upon verification of a task.

No additional hardware is needed to use Vault-21
Vault-21 is a software-only solution. The patent is based upon the way in which we author the DVD, not in the way in which it is mass replicated.

All you need is the DVD and a DVD Player
We simply set up the way in which tasks should be evaluated (typically multiple choice quizzes), establish a passing percentage (say 70% correct), and present the code upon completion.

The same DVD can be used multiple times by multiple people
The breakthrough concerning Vault-21 is the ability to generate unique, verifiable codes each time the task is completed.

How does it work?

  1. The DVD user successfully completes the quiz using their DVD remote.
  2. The DVD user is presented with an onscreen code.
  3. The DVD user can then present the code to a website (which verifies its authenticity).
  4. The same DVD can be used countless times by different DVD users.

Enter your codes!

Click here to enter your codes for The Perfect Server DVD.

The Perfect Server DVD employs the Vault-21 DVD Verification Technology.

Click here to enter your codes for the Undeliverable DVD.

Undeliverable: Email Etiquette for Today's Workplace employs the Vault-21 DVD Verification Technology.