Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker
Intensely loud alarm clock that shakes your bed.

Being a deep sleeper is great for snoozing on airplanes, during thunderstorms, or when your upstairs neighbor is trying to learn Stairway to Heaven. But when you need to make sure you can’t miss your wake-up call, set a Sonic Bomb by your bed.
This beefed-up alarm clock has an eye-opening buzzer maxing out at 113 decibels, which is roughly the equivalent of having a rock concert in your bedroom. The blaring siren is accompanied by the Bed Shaker, a vibrating attachment that plugs into the clock and nestles under your bed to forcefully shake you awake.
The adjustable volume on the dual alarm system lets you find the right loudness for your needs, and the vibration-only option lets you keep the rest of the house in dreamland while you start your day.
Features & specs
- Extremely loud alarm clock with vibration attachment
- Up to 113 decibels!
- Buzzer alarm has adjustable volume, tone, and duration
- Pulsating red alert lights
- Dual alarm settings
- Set to vibration only, buzzer sound only, or both
- Snooze function with adjustable duration
- Displays 12 or 24 hour time format
- Display has five brightness options
- Test mode lets you easily find right setting for you
- Powered by DC adapter (included) or 9V battery (not included)
- Approx. clock dimensions: 6” x 5 ½” x 3” (15.2 cm x 14 cm x 7.6 cm)
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Blaring bomb
If you’re a deep sleeper—or just a reluctant waker—the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock is the best way to make sure you get up and on your feet in a hurry. This extreme wakeup call drops a payload of noise that will leave you undeniably alert (and possibly shell-shocked).
With a beeping alarm as loud as a live rock band and a Bed Shaker attachment like a subwoofer, you can rest easy knowing there’s no way you’ll miss your morning meeting or early class.
Triple threat
If a normal alarm clock gently escorts you into the morning, the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock forcibly extradites you from dreamland.
The three-pronged attack of altertitude starts with red LEDs that flash with the intensity of a 2AM ambulance going by your house. This visual nudge is accompanied by the deafening detonation of the buzzer alarm which clocks in at a piercing 113 decibels. As if these weren’t enough, the Sonic Bomb also shakes you from sleep. Put the vibration unit under your mattress or pillow and it will shake you awake when it’s time to rise and shine.

Customizable chaos
If on some days you don’t want to feel like you woke up in a war zone, the Sonic Bomb is adaptable to your taste. Use the clock’s test mode to find the right volume, tone, and duration of the audio alarm to fit your morning routine. Lovers of the snooze button (aka the “do I have to?” button) will enjoy the ability to customize the length of their extra slumber up to 30 minutes.
After you’re up and at ‘em, you’ll appreciate the clock’s five brightness settings, 12- or 24-hour display modes, and battery backup capability.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How does the vibration part work? Is it going to break anything?
Answer: The Sonic Bomb’s vibration attachment can be put either underneath your mattress or under your pillow. It’s not strong enough to shake your whole bed, but it will force you from your sleep.
Question: Is this going to bother everyone in my house/dorm/space station?
Answer: Depending on the thickness of your walls, the Sonic Bomb could definitely disturb your neighbors. You can adjust the volume to find something that won’t carry through the walls or only use the vibration feature to make sure no one else is bothered.
Question: Can I play music with it?
Answer: The Sonic Bomb can play your favorite song, but only if your favorite song is a loud beeping noise. It does not have music capabilities.
Where can I buy this awesomeness?
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